name: inverse layout: true class: center, middle, inverse --- # GBIF Multimedia Support SPNHC-TDWG 2018 Dunedin, New Zealand Matthew Blissett ⧸ --- layout: false class: normal # Multimedia in - 1 billion occurrences. - 27 million have multimedia — but 95 million multimedia items. .squash[![NZ](./gallery-nz.jpg)] ??? Hi everyone, I'm going to talk about GBIF's use of the Darwin Core multimedia extensions. It's two years since the "new" GBIF website was previewed, and a year since it replaced the old one, and the gallery views on search results and species pages have caused many more data providers to map multimedia to their occurrences. --- class: normal # Three supported extensions GBIF handles three multimedia extensions: 1. Images (deprecated) 2. Simple multimedia 3. Audubon Media Description --- class: normal # Images extension `` - Used by 58 datasets - It will continue to work - Deprecated — don't use it for anything new ??? It's still used by 58 datasets, but don't use it for anything new. Once we support something, we don't remove support until all datasets have migrated away from it -- which is probably never. --- class: normal # Simple multimedia extension `` - Used by about 1000 datasets - All terms supported by GBIF - Fine for many use cases ??? All the terms defined in the extension are added to the GBIF index This is fully supported by the GBIF indexing thing. This is fine for many straightforward cases, like a picture of a pressed herbarium specimen, but only provides the minimal information -- the image location (or locations), license, format, title, description and so on. --- class: normal # Audobon Media Description `` - Partial support was added in June 2016. - [🦋🐝🐞🐜🐛](! - Used by about 150 datasets. - Lots more we can do with this standard. ??? Support for this extension was supposed to be equivalent to the "simple multimedia" extension, but in preparing this presentation I've found there are some gaps. I'll get these fixed fairly soon. --- class: normal # Potential improvements using AC Audobon Core includes many new terms, and GBIF isn't yet using any of them. Here's some things we could add: --- class: normal ## `ac:variant` - Used to mark different resolutions/qualities of images, e.g. with `BestQuality` and `Thumbnail`. .pull-left[![Kiwi](] .pull-right[![KiwiThumb](] - Validation? ??? That's already fairly well defined, but we should add some validation (only one BestQuality?). --- class: normal ## `Text` type We have the [MediaTypes]( `StillImage`, `MovingImage` and `Sound`. - Add `Text` for multimedia representations of text, such as a specimen label, collecting permit or field notes. .squash[![Gallery labels](./gallery-labels.jpg)] ??? We can then show the specimen, rather than its label, in search results. I'm not sure if anyone's using this, but people are providing labels, collecting permits, field notes; sometimes in PDF/document format, sometimes images. --- class: normal ## `ac:subjectOrientation` - No-one is providing this. - Set to values like `dorsal`, `ventral`, `frontal` .squash[![Ants](./gallery-ants.jpg)] ??? This should be good for showing the frontal view of all these ants, which makes it easier to compare them. --- class: normal ## `ac:subjectPart`, `ac:sex`, `ac:lifeStage` - Not controlled vocabularies, but neither are the occurrence terms. - Search for "adult male skull, frontal view". .squash[![Butterflies](./gallery-butterflies.jpg)] --- class: normal ## `ac:serviceExpectation` - Tells us when a URI points to an access page for a resource, rather than the resource itself. - Suggested value `authenticate`, but not for an intermediate page .squash[![Broken](./gallery-broken.png)] --- class: normal # Mapping using the IPT This is done in the same way as any other extension. .squash[![IPT](./ipt-mapping-ac.png)] --- class: center, middle, inverse # Questions?
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